Thursday 4 June 2009

New Tactics in the fight against piracy

2009 has seen an increase in security issues, with an increase in the number of pirate attacks in the seas around Somalia. Although this is the most frequently reported area, there are other areas around the world such as the south eastern china seas and off the coast of India that are also targeted.

Piracy, a modern problem is not however new, bandits of the sea have targeted sea farer's since the advent of sea travel and transport. The Caribbean and the Mediterranean have long been targeted by men and groups looking to capitalize on the trade routes.

In our modern times, many security companies are coming up with fresh and innovative solutions to this century old problem. One such company RSB International uses ex Israeli special forces, specifically trained and armed to sufficiently protect crew and cargo.

Israeli personnel are specifically chosen for their experience in dealing with uncoventional scenarios as well as experience and knowledge dealing with dynamic and changing strategies, this is essential to the new battlefield, fluid and changeable.

The reporter hopes that this century old problem has found a new and successful solution to prevent piracy and there by maintaining seafaring routes and the opportunity for trade between countries to continue unhindered.


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